GATEKEEPER Online Workshop for policy makers and NGOs

GATEKEEPER is the application of advanced Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), to address the challenge of improving the quality of life of citizens, whilst demonstrating exceptional improvements in the delivery of efficient health and care across Europe.
One of the actions we are supporting on the project is the identification of the “Needs and Requirements” from the GATEKEEPER solution. Over the past few months, surveys have been carried out to identify both the “Needs” and “Requirements” of pilot regions within the project as well as regions outside of its involvement. The latter addressed four specific conditions – COPD, Parkinsons, Heart Failure, and Stroke – with the survey targeting health and care professionals, patients, and informal care givers.
We now wish to gather the views of regional health and care policy makers and NGOs on their “Needs” and “Requirements” from the GATEKEEPER solution and propose organising an interactive online Workshop for this group in September.
The objectives of the event are to:

  • increase awareness of GATEKEEPER by providing information on the project;
  • provide an overview of the findings on “needs and requirements” from the surveys;
  • invite policy makers/NGOs to identify additional “needs and requirements” from a policy perspective;
  • provide feedback on any potential policy implications for regions from the results of the surveys.

The event will be held on Thursday 9th September 2021 and will commence at 10:00 Central European Time (CET).
The preliminary programme for the Workshop is as follows:

  • Welcome and introduction
  • The GATEKEEPER Project
  • Results from “Needs” and “Requirements” Surveys
  • Interactive online session to capture views on the Survey results and potential policy implications for regions
  • Interactive online session to identify additional “needs” and “requirements” from the GATEKEEPER solution from a policy maker perspective
  • Conclusions